"Then said the Lord unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the Lord toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine." - Hosea 3:1
I just wanted to share a quick thought on the love of God towards you and I. Do we really comprehend the depth of God's love for us? I personally think that we just throw around the phrase "God loves us" without fully understanding its implications and comprehending the reality of what those words communicate to us.
Here is what Charles Spurgeon said about the love of the Lord:
"Believer, look back through all thine experience, and think of the way whereby the Lord thy God has led thee in the wilderness, and how he hath fed and clothed thee every day—how he hath borne with thine ill manners—how he hath put up with all thy murmurings, and all thy longings after the flesh-pots of Egypt—how he has opened the rock to supply thee, and fed thee with manna that came down from heaven. Think of how his grace has been sufficient for thee in all thy troubles—how his blood has been a pardon to thee in all thy sins—how his rod and his staff have comforted thee."
Even as wonderful and beautiful as Spurgeon describes God's love for us, it still does not fully communicate to us truly the depth of His love for you and I. When we take the time to meditate upon the Lord's love for us, it literally should overwhelm us.
Think about all of the ways that Christ has shown His love for us. We all know that when Christ took our punishment that we deserved and died on the cross for our sins, He demonstrated the greatest act of love that there is. Putting the cross aside for just a moment, think of all the other ways that Jesus has demonstrated His love for you. If you were to start writing them down there would not be enough paper to contain them all. In light of the reality and demonstration of Christ's love for us, why is it that we always question His love for us?
Just think about it, even though we murmur, complain, desire the things of the world, put our fleshly lusts first, and even many times turn our backs on the One who died for us, Christ still loves us. WOW! In spite of how miserably you and I fail Christ everyday and no matter how many times we put other things before Him, He still loves us! This should literally melt our hearts and cause us to fall prostrate before Christ in repentance.
I would like to share one more quote with you from Charles Spurgeon about our response to this love.
"Surely as we meditate on “the love of the Lord,” our hearts burn within us, and we long to love him more."
Prayer For Today:
Heavenly Father, thank You so much for loving me, even though I am unworthy of Your love. Help me today to meditate on the depth of Your love and what that truly means. It is my prayer and desire that Your love for me would cause my heart to burn within me, that I would love You more and more. In Jesus name, Amen!
I needed that Brother Clint! Isn't it great to know that we are loved? Hallelujah!